Semarang (26/7), “Sharing and Inspiring…” Zohaib, a participant from Pakistan yelled jargon with enthusiasm. During 10 days, the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro held Summer Course Program 2022 with the topic ” Community Participation in Public Health during Covid-19”.  This event was held from 13 to 23 July 2022 using the online platform zoom and Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic (Covid-19) has impacted the health aspect and needs support from the health subsystem, one of them is community participation. Indonesia as a country with communal communities cooperates to face this pandemic. Many programs have arisen such as Jogo Tonggo in Central Java, Posyandu in the pandemic era, strengthening the health protocol, and improvement of traditional herb consumption such as jamu, standardized herb medicine, phytopharmaca, etc. This community participation has been delivered in 24 modules in Summer Course Program.

Dr. Budiyono, BSPH, MPH the dean of the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro states that this event aims to share about community participation in the public health era during the Covid-19 pandemic. Besides that, this program also can encourage international collaboration between Universitas Diponegoro and other institutions in foreign country.

In the summer course program, there are many speakers from the practitioners, lecturers, government institutions, or Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs) from national and foreign countries. The Indonesian Health System, Indonesian language, community participation in health maternal and child, waste management, vaccine program implementation, and other interesting topic have been delivered by live lecture, video, and live report.
Naintina Lisnawati, BSPH, M.Nutr as the chair of the committee stated that this event was followed by 52 participants from Malaysia, Nigeria, Cambodia, Timor Leste, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Yaman, Taiwan, India, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Algeria dan Indonesian diaspora. Besides the interesting modul that have been delivered by speakers, there were also discussion and sharing sessions between the participant to get benchmarking and insight to improve their health system in their country.

This event gives a special impression to the participants. Joseph, a participant from Nigeria said that the Summer Course program organized by the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University was the best Summer Course program he had ever participated in. Joseph, along with Zohaib from Pakistan and Syuhada from Malaysia were the best participants in the Summer Course.

The Summer Course program has been held with the support of various parties, the committee would like to thank the Universitas Diponegoro, International Office, LP2MP, Liaison Officer (LO), and the civitas academic of the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University. It is hoped that this program can open the opportunities for collaboration with various institutions abroad and can continue on the Summer Course in the following year.
Link Summer Course 2022 Recap :
