Semarang – Friday, August 12, 2022, an Online Field Assessment (ALD) for Accreditation Surveillance was held by the Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Higher Education (LAM-PTKes) in the Environmental Health Masters Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro. This surveillance is a routine work program implemented by LAM-PTKes in all Health Study programs in Indonesia. The purpose of this accreditation surveillance is to see the extent to which the study program’s ability to carry out follow-up and recommendations for guidance or feedback provided by the assessor team when conducting accreditation. This Field Assessment for Accreditation Surveillance is carried out online through the Zoom Meeting provided by LAM-PTKes. The Online Field Assessment (ALD) was attended by the LAM-PTKes Surveillance Assessor, Mr. Defriman Djafri, SKM, MKM, Ph.D., from the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Andalas, Study Program Management Unit, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro, lecturers of the Environmental Health Masters Study Program, Faculty Quality Assurance Team, and education staff are located in the Smart Class Building. On that occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, represented by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, namely Dr. Nurjazuli, SKM, M.Kes and the Vice Dean for Resources, namely Dr. dr. Apoina Kartini, M.Kes., was also present. The event started at 08.00 opened by Dr. Nurjazuli, SKM, M.Kes., followed by remarks from the assessors, namely Defriman Djafri, SKM, MKM, Ph.D (Universitas Andalas). The next session was a session with the leaders of the Faculty and Study Programs, namely the delivery of the results of the follow-up standards 1 to 7 by the Head of the Environmental Health Masters Study Program, Dr. Ir. Mursid, M.Sc. The following session was a confirmation of data and information in the follow-up of standards 1 to 7 by Assessor, Defriman Djafri, SKM, MKM, Ph.D with the leader of Faculty, the Quality Assurance Team and Study Program. The assessor will then complete the review and evaluation of the Online Field Assessment (ALD) for Accreditation Surveillance results on the SIMAK application. The final session included the submission of the assessors’ results, the response from the Study Program Management Unit and the Study Program then ended with the signing of the Online Field Assessment (ALD) for Accreditation Surveillance recommendations on the SIMAK application, and a group photo.
Online Field Assessment (ALD) Surveillance Accreditation of LAM-PTKes in the Environmental Health Masters Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro
by Humas FKM | Sep 21, 2022 | News