The Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro has initiated the establishment of a Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) control forum in public places. This initiative is fully funded by the One Health Research and Training Award, SEAOHUN 2023. A very important first step in overcoming dengue fever in Semarang City.

In this effort, the Faculty of Public Health uses a One Health system approach that emphasizes the importance of intertwining between related parties in dengue control. However, there are still weaknesses in inter-sector networking and there is no collaborative networking in dengue management that is engaged in Community Bases such as schools, tourism sites, mosques, and other public places. In fact, these places have the potential as vector breeding sites and places where dengue infections occur.

In a workshop on Comprehensive Consolidation of The One Health System in DHF Control Through a Community-Based Approach held at Hotel Grasia on December 18-19, 2023, Dr. Ir. Martini. M.Kes, Project Leader, said that “In preventing DHF, a multisector and multiaction handling strategy with a One Health approach is needed. The task of control is not only imposed on the health sector, but also across sectors and between parties so that all can understand that disease control, especially dengue fever, can be done together according to their respective roles”.

Networking collaboration in Community Bases such as schools, tourism places, mosques, and other public places is very important in increasing inter-sector linkages in dengue management. This will strengthen the One Health approach in dengue control and ensure that disease control, especially dengue fever, can be carried out jointly in accordance with the roles of each sector.

Laskar Besti is a Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) control forum initiated by the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University. This forum aims to inspect, monitor, and eradicate mosquito nests and larvae, especially Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in public places such as schools, markets, tourist attractions, stations, terminals, and places of worship (Churches, Mosques, Temples, Viharas). The membership of Laskar Besti consists of the managers or persons in charge of each of these public places.

On December 19, 2023, Laskar Besti was inaugurated directly by the Head of Semarang City Health Office Dr. dr. Mochamad Abdul Hakam, Sp. PD. Previously, for two consecutive days, members of Laskar Besti were given training on dengue disease, vector spread, coping steps, and how to become a good Laskar Bedi. In addition, the candidates for Laskar Besti also practiced directly how to conduct a flick survey at their parent place and input the results in the reporting system at the Semarang City Health Office. Laskar Besti will also be successive in handling dengue cases in Semarang City, in line with the programs that have been made by the Semarang City Government.