Responding The Climate-Sensitive Health Issue, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro Organize The 5th International Conference of Public Health For Tropical and Coastal Region (ICOPH-TCD) 2024

Responding The Climate-Sensitive Health Issue, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro Organize The 5th International Conference of Public Health For Tropical and Coastal Region (ICOPH-TCD) 2024

Semarang (7/31)- Climate change is causing challenges in coastal and tropical environments. Rising sea levels, intensifying storms, coastal erosion and changing rainfall patterns are increasing the vulnerability of these regions to extreme weather events, flooding and...
Taiwan-Indonesia Academic Conference on Challenge of Global Health and Environmental Sustainability 2024 Assessing Potential for Educational and Scientific Collaboration on a Bilateral Basis between Indonesian and College of Public Health National Taiwan University

Taiwan-Indonesia Academic Conference on Challenge of Global Health and Environmental Sustainability 2024 Assessing Potential for Educational and Scientific Collaboration on a Bilateral Basis between Indonesian and College of Public Health National Taiwan University

The College of Public Health at National Taiwan University (NTU) has been collaborating with the Faculty of Public Health of Diponegoro University since 2019. The College of Public Health, National Taiwan University (NTU) sent lecturers and students to Indonesia to...


The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia issued Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023 concerning Quality Assurance in Higher Education. This regulation includes a quality assurance system in higher education which is...