(Semarang,4/8). Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro has been held the 3rd Summer Course Program 2021 which was titled ” Community Participation in Public Health to Accelerate SDG’s Achievement” from July 21 until July 31, 2021.

Dr. Budiyono, BSPH, MPH, Dean of Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro said that this program was held to encourage the international role of the Faculty of Public Health. This program also integrates lecture activities and field practice so that participants can get insight into the health and cultural fields obtained through lectures or classrooms and from field experience.Since 2019, this program was held every year. But unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic condition the summer course program, this year has to be adjusted to become an online activity through live meetings and massive open online courses (MOOCs).

The speakers in this program are the experts that come from the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro, practitioners from the Health Office Department, the speaker from the health industry, and also non-government parties that have many experiences in Public Health fields. Many topics have been delivered for example national health system in Indonesia, community participation in waste management, health promotion, maternal and child programs, and so on.

This program has been attended by 47 participants that include bachelor students, master students, lecturers, and practitioners from many countries such as Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Australia, Pakistan, Cambodia, Timor Leste, and Nigeria.

At the end of the program, the committee has announced the best participant that was Dr. Ismaniza Ismail from Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam, Malaysia. She said that she was very excited to participate in the summer course program and get many bits of knowledge from this program. She also offered the joint research and postgraduate degree program in Malaysia.The other testimonial also comes from Mr. Shukri from Malaysia. He said that he gets more insights from this program about public health and will be promoting it to his friends.

Rani Tiyas Budiyanti, MD, Master of Health Law, the Head Committee of Summer Course Program 2021 said that this event would not be possible without the help of various parties. So that, she wants to thank Universitas Diponegoro, International Office, Educational Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP2MP), all of the speakers and committee, and other parties that were support this program.She hopes the participants can make further collaborate in terms of joint research, visiting lecturers, and meet again in Summer Course next year.