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Towards the World Class University, Faculty of Pubic Health, again, to welcome Professors from South Korea – Visiting Professor Program

20-25 August 2023. The internationalization of higher education through visiting professor programs is a strategy employed by universities and academic institutions to enhance their global engagement and provide students with exposure to diverse perspectives and expertise. This involves inviting professors and scholars from other countries to teach, conduct research, and collaborate on academic projects for a temporary period. Strengthening capacity in the field of research and international recognition is part of achieving a world class university. The Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UNDIP is one of the faculties that aspires to develop global capacities and partnerships. FKM UNDIP has carried out a lot of capacity strengthening and partnerships with various universities and institutions in the world. This global partnership supports international recognition of FKM UNDIP and the increasing recognition of FKM UNDIP on the international league. Strengthening global capacity and partnerships was again emphasized by FKM UNDIP. This year August 2023, two professors from South Korea came to visit to FKM UNDIP. These two professors, Prof. Han Jin-Hee (Prof Han) and Prof. Choe Seongjun (Prof Choe), are professors who are experts in the field of zoonoses and parasitology from two different universities in South Korea. Prof Han is Professor from College of Medicine, Kangwon National University, whilst Prof Choe from Chungbuk National University. Several activities had been conducted, as detailed below:

  1. Workshop for undergraduate students on “Getting closure to pathogenic parasites causing public health threats in the community”
  2. Workshop for doctorate program of public health on “Revealing the pandora box secrets on scientific publication in reputable international journals”
  3. Collaboration on supporting malaria elimination program in Local Ministry of Health (Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Purworejo)
  4. Training on helminths identification from fishes

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