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Semarang 12 October 2022. The zoonosis, one of infectious diseases in Indonesia is showing a trend of a significant increase. Zoonotic diseases or infectious diseases caused by pathogen that jumped from animals to humans are a crucial public health threat. The interaction between humans, animals and mosquito vectors in a shared-habitat is one of the risk factors of the rise of zoonotic diseases. In addition, deforestation and climate change has also been considered triggering the process of “jumping” or the transfer of disease-causing pathogens to new hosts, including humans. The life of rural human population who live in a close proximity to animals habitat has proven the increased of incidence of zoonotic diseases. Furthermore, inadequate access to health treatment causing people living in rural areas are at greater risk.

Becoming a leading university in research and technology is UNDIP’s goal and dream which encourages each faculty to compete in developing collaborations with various international institutions. FKM UNDIP, which is one of the pioneers of FKM in Indonesia, is increasingly developing itself in improving the quality of faculty members (lecturers) and students. One of what FKM UNDIP is currently doing is developing partnerships with various global and reputable institutions, and one of which is with TOP100 universities. The collaboration includes staff exchanges, student exchanges, collaboration in curriculum development, organizing seminars/workshops/scientific discussions and also developing global standardized laboratories.

One of the agendas that has been implemented is holding a mini workshop by inviting speakers from the University of St Andrews and Plymouth University Hospital, UK. The expertise of the speakers in their fields made this activity very important in escalating FKM UNDIP to become one of the faculties in UNDIP that creates a high qualified generations. This mini workshop activity is also one of the initiating activities for colaboration in the field public health and zoonotic diseases mitigation in Indonesia by supporting the establishment of a molecular laboratory for the detection and surveillance of zoonotic diseases.

The process of initiating collaboration with Dr. Janet Cox-Singh, from Division of Infection and Global Health, School of Medicine, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK in establishing a molecular laboratory for the detection and surveillance of zoonotic diseases in Indonesia. A seen in the photo Dr Budiyono SKM., M.Kes (Dean of FKM UNDIP) and Dr Janet Cox-Singh for the agreement to initiate a collaboration program with FKM UNDIP. Also seen Dr dr. Bagoes Widjanarko MPH., MA (Head of the Public Health Doctoral Study Program) and also Dr. Cyrus J. Daneshvar from Plymouth University Hospital.

Dr Janet Cox-Singh, from the Division of Infection and Global Health, School of Medicine, University of St Andrews, talking about the zoonotic Plasmodium knowlesi malaria. Dr Janet was one of the first scientists who firstly found the cases of zoonotic P knowlesi infection.

Dr. Cyrus John Daneshvar from Plymouth University Hospital talking about how to investigate zoonotic diseases in populations that live close to monkey and mosquito habitats. Dr Cyrus is a Pulmonologist at Plymouth University Hospital and an expert in other infectious diseases.

The process of welcoming and giving souvenirs by Dean of Public Health to honorable speakers and guests.

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