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Universitas Diponegoro Rector’s Regulation Number 13 of 2022 Concerning Guidelines for the Prevention and Mitigation of Sexual Violence in the Universitas Diponegoro Environment

Monday, October 31, 2022 The Dean of the Faculty of Public Health delivering Universitas Diponegoro Rector’s Regulation Number 13 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for the Prevention and Mitigation of Sexual Violence in the Universitas Diponegoro Environment in a hybrid meeting. This activity was carried out in Hall D Budioro and through a zoom meeting. This event was attended by 65 lecturers and educational staff of FKM UNDIP who joined offline and 40 others who joined online.

The material was delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health Dr. Budiyono, SKM, M.Kes. UNDIP Rector’s Regulation No. 13 of 2022 aims to be a guideline in compiling programs and taking action policies for the Prevention and Mitigation of Sexual Violence within or outside Undip, preventing the occurrence of Sexual Violence committed by and/or against Campus Residents, fostering a life that is humane, dignified, equal, by maintaining standards of human values and dignity and protecting all Campus Citizens from acts of Sexual Violence, providing services, protection, recovery, and empowering Victims by ensuring appropriate steps in the framework of Mitigation acts of Sexual Violence committed by and/or against Campus Residents, as well as building support and acceptance of families and Campus Citizens for Victims.

One of the regulations was made to regulate the Prevention of Sexual Violence within Undip; Prevention of Sexual Violence by Lecturers and Education Personnel; Prevention of Sexual Violence by Students; Mitigation of Sexual Violence at Undip; Assistance given to Victims, Informants, Witnesses or Reported Persons with status as Students, Lecturers or Education Personnel; Protection given to Victims, Informants and/or Witnesses, Imposition of Sanctions to Reported Parties who are proven to have committed Sexual Violence; Victim Recovery; the Task Force for the Prevention and Mitigation of Sexual Violence; Mechanism for Mitigation Sexual Violence; up to the monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Rector’s Regulation.

Dr. Budiyono hopes that all of the FKM UNDIP academic community will have the same perception in preventing and fighting acts of sexual violence anywhere, especially within the Universitas Diponegoro.

Contributor : Novia Handayani, SKM, MA, M.Kes

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