The COVID-19 pandemic has entered Indonesia since 2020. During the pandemic, many aspects were affected. One aspect that is greatly affected is the health aspect. Almost all health services focus on COVID-19 prevention and treatment services to minimize transmission and disability to death from COVID-19.
One aspect of health services that has had a major impact is immunization services for children. Before the pandemic, immunization services were carried out at the Hospital, Public Health Center, and even at the Posyandu (Integrated Health Service Post). However, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the Posyandu to a halt and people are afraid to take their children to health services for immunizations. This has had an impact on basic immunization coverage which has dropped dramatically during the pandemic.
In 2022, the Indonesian government launched BIAN (National Child Immunization Month) and KEJAR to catch up on child immunization coverage and prevent PD3I (Immunization-Preventable Diseases).
In Central Java, UNICEF is collaborating with the Health Research Center (Puslitkes) for LPPM UNDIP to provide support to the Central Java Provincial Health Office for the implementation of BIAN so that immunization coverage for children can increase dramatically. In its implementation, the Puslitkes LPPM UNDIP chaired by Dr. Ir. Martini, M.Kes collaborates pentahelix with institutions and organizations from academia (FKM UNDIP and Research Center for LPPM UNDIP), government, religion, society, media, and others.
The success of the Pentahelix collaboration, which is considered capable of increasing immunization coverage at BIAN in Central Java, is what brought Meaghan Derynck (Global Affairs of Canada) to visit Indonesia to explore good stories and best practices that have been carried out in Central Java.
This discussion was welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, Dr. Budiyono, SKM, M.Kes and was opened by LPPM Representative Prof. Agus Subagio, S.Si, M.Sc.
The participants who attended were stakeholders who collaborated with the Center for Research and Health LPPM UNDIP-UNICEF-Central Java Provincial Health Office in implementing BIAN 2022, namely the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Chair of Fatayat NU Central Java, NGO SETARA, Scouts Care for Kwarda Central Java, TP PKK Central Java, Suara Merdeka, Children’s Forum.
The results of this discussion are expected to be able to strengthen the pentahelix collaboration that has been established and apply it to other health aspects, not only immunization in Central Java.
Correspondence: Novia Handayani