Purworejo Regency is one of the districts in Central Java province with the category of malaria endemic area. Purworejo Regency consists of 16 districts and 494 villages with an area of 1,091.49 km2. In 2021 it has increased to 584 cases with an API of 0.75 per thousand population. Kaligesing District is the district with the highest cases in 2022. Kaligesing District has an area of 74.73 km2 and consists of 21 villages with a population of 31,735 people. Malaria cases in Kaligesing District in April 2022 recorded 53 cases, 49 of which were indigenous cases and 4 imported cases. The spread of malaria cases in the working area of the Kaligesing Health Center is in seven villages, and Sudorogo Village is a High Case Incidence (HCI) village, with a total of 17 cases in 2021 and increasing to 21 cases in 2022.

In an effort to reduce malaria cases and break the chain of transmission, lecturers at the Faculty of Public Health at Diponegoro University and undergraduate and graduate students conducted research on environmental and bionomic vector risk factors with an increase in malaria cases in Purworejo District. The study was conducted from August to November 2022. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide comprehensive epidemiological evidence related to environmental, behavioral and vector bionomic risk factors so that they can become a reference in malaria control in Purworejo District.