The Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro, in collaboration with the Balai Kesehatan Masyarakat (BALKESMAS-Secondary Level of Integrated Health Care Provider) of Ambarawa, held a series of activities in welcoming National Health Day, which falls on November 12. One of the activities carried out was a competition for making videos of public health advertisements. This competition was attended by all SMA/SMK/equivalent students in the Ambarawa Balkesmas working area.

After going through the administrative process, the top 20 videos were obtained which made it into the joint judging. The jury consisted of Balkesmas, practitioners and academics represented by Mrs. Ratih Indraswari, SKM, M.Kes from the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro. The judging was conducted offline at the Ambarawa Balkesmas Hall, but was continued with a virtual meeting due to a light earthquake on the sidelines of the event. Announcement of the winner will then informed via Instagram of Balkesmas Ambarawa as the organizer of the community service advertisement video competition. Through this competition, it is hoped that youth will be more creative in disseminating accurate and interesting health information.