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On Friday, March 03, 2023, the 1st Routine Blood Donation (DDR) activity was held at the FKM Undip Building Hall, with the theme “Donate Your Blood Gives Us Hope” by KSR PMI Unit FKM Undip. This activity was carried out from 08.00 WIB until 10.45 WIB. DDR 1 activities are a collaboration of the Seksi Pelayanan Masyarakat, Seksi Pengabdian Masyarakat, dan Seksi Wirausaha dan Logistik.

Routine Blood Donation (DDR) is one of the work programs of KSR PMI Unit FKM Undip from the Seksi Pelayanan Masyarakat which is routinely carried out three times in a oneyear management period which is held in March, June and October at the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University.

The DDR 1 activity aims to facilitate Diponegoro University academic community and the general public to donate blood while helping others voluntarily. In addition, DDR activities can also be utilized as a means for Diponegoro University academic community and the general public to check their health free of charge. This activity is in collaboration with PMI Central Java Province and was attended by more than 60 people with a total of 60 donors.

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