Anyadirani Kautsarmesya, a PKIP FKM UNDIP student won a gold medal in the ICDC (Interdisciplinary Capstone Design Challenge) competition in the 2022 Tanoto Student Research Award series. The team consisted of students with different scientific backgrounds and from different universities, namely Anyadirani Kautsarmesya (Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro), Safry Sitorus (Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, University of Indonesia), Rais Rahmadi (Environmental Civil Engineering, Bogor Agricultural Institute), Gardin Muhammad A.S. (Materials Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology), and Rhobithotus Mufidah (Water Resources Management, Brawijaya University).
This national competition is held for 6 months from May-October 2022 online. The main event was held on 3 November – 6 November 2022 at ITB Bandung. The details of the event are design camp, finishing tools, work exhibition, assessment and awards.
Anyadirani and the team created the INFITER tool: an Innovation Toolkit for Comprehensive Liquid Waste Management Based on Customizable Configuration Units to Achieve SDGs 4th Education & 6th Sanitation. This tool is a teaching tool that combines physical, chemical and biological methods for water management. The background of Anyadirani and the team in developing the INFITER is that the activity of washing hands has become a habit during the pandemic so that there has been an increase in the amount of waste water that is disposed without prior treatment.
The achievement in this competition is hoped that students will realize that different disciplines and backgrounds can work together towards the same goal, for PKIP students in particular, and for FKM UNDIP students in general.