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Nova Muhammad Syaifullah, student of the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro, won FIRST PLACE in the 2022 Olimdipo men’s 100m sprint.

Olimdipo 2022 is an activity carried out by the Student Executive Board of Diponegoro University for Arts and Sports (SENIORA) which is expected to raise enthusiasm and give great appreciation in sports, especially in the Undip environment, as well as prepare Undip delegates in the Regional Student Sports Week (Pomda) activities and the National Student Sports Week (Pomnas).

The purpose of the Olimdipo is to develop the interests and talents of Undip students in the field of sports, train student sportsmanship in competition, strengthen relations between faculties and schools through sports, strengthen relations between leading athletes in Undip and athletes from universities throughout Indonesia, compete competitively with athletes from universities at the provincial and national levels, give appreciation to athletes in Undip, and regenerate talented young athletes so that they can be useful for Undip as well as Indonesia.

Huge congratulations to Nova Muhammad Syaifullah on his victory!


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