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Visiting Professor, Implications of International Laws for Domestic Public Health

International health law affects the formation of health laws in Indonesia such as laws regarding human rights in the health sector, handling pandemics, and health tourism. It also can be used as a reference in drafting national laws related to current health issues such as health technology laws (telemedicine or artificial intelligence), tuberculosis treatment, smoking-free area policies, and so on. It is important to conduct a more in-depth study and mapping of the implications of international health law at the national level.
Therefore, the Health Policy and Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro, held a visiting professor webinar that was entitled “Implications of International Laws for Domestic Public Health” with Prof. mr.dr.B.C.A.(Brigit) Toebes from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands was the speaker.
This webinar was online (zoom) which is also broadcast live via YouTube FKM UNDIP Official. This event was attended by 105 participants who were undergraduate and postgraduate students from Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro. The event began with an opening speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro, Dr. Budiyono, SKM, M.Kes continued by the presentation delivered by Prof. Brigit Toebes with Wulan Kusumastuti, SH, M.H as the moderator.
In her presentation, Prof. Brigit Toebes conveyed the importance of collaboration between various countries in developing international health laws and global health policies, especially regarding policies during the pandemic, policies related to tuberculosis elimination and policies regarding smoking. In the discussion session, the participants actively asked about current issues in the health sector.
“ New insights about international laws for domestic public health and its implications! I’m so grateful and excited for the webinar” one of the participants gave feedback after the event took place. The visiting professor webinar ended with the handing over of certificates to the resource persons and moderators and was closed by the master of ceremony.

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