
The existence of Public Health Faculty of Diponegoro University started from the issuance of Decree of Rector of Diponegoro University No.01 / SK / PT.09 / 1985 dated January 4, 1985, about the establishment of Public Health Study Program of Diponegoro University Medical Faculty (PSKM-FK UNDIP)
In its development to become a faculty, PSKM FK-UNDIP gets funding from FKM development project in Indonesia which is a cooperation project between Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture with USAID.

After all the requirements of the establishment of a faculty are met, then on 21 November 1993 out of Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia no. 0369 / O / 1993 on the establishment of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) and the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Diponegoro University. Since then the Public Health Study Program of Diponegoro University has officially become a faculty.

At the beginning of its establishment, PSKM FK-UNDIP only received diploma degree-2 year students (Cross-Strait Program) which mostly came from the agencies within the Ministry of Health. Since the academic year 1986/1987 began receiving high school graduate students through the New Student Admission Selection (SPMB) and Student Selection Selection Program (PSSB).

In the academic year of 1997/1998, FKM UNDIP began to receive non-regular students who graduated from Diploma, while non-regular from high school opened in 2005. In the academic year 1999/2000 also has conducted Diploma to Master Program that cooperates with Health Project-V (HP-V) Department of Health, Ministry of Health. Furthermore, in the academic year 2001/2002 also opened a particular class, Cooperation between FKM UNDIP with District Government.

In the academic year of 1999/2000, it opened the Master program of Public Health Sciences. Until the academic year 2000/2001, The Program has 4 concentrations: Administration Concentration and Health Policy, Hospital Administration Concentration, Health Promotion Concentration, and Health Management Information System Concentration. Starting the academic year 200/2001 opened 3 new concentrations of Environmental Health Concentration, Public Nutrition Concentration, and Epidemiological Concentration.

In April 2001 until now, there are 5 Master Study Programs at Postgraduate Program of Diponegoro University which scientifically nodded on FKM UNDIP, that is

1. Master Program in Public Health Sciences,
2. Master Program in Environmental Health,
3. Master of Health Promotion,
4. Master of Epidemiology, and
5. Master of Public Nutrition.

Based on the assessment of the Accreditation Board by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN PT) of the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 033 / BAN-PT / Ak-X / S1 / I / 2008 stipulates that FKM UNDIP gets the “A” Accreditation title.