As one of the world heritages designated by UNESCO, pencak silat is a martial art that is extracted from the cultural and philosophical values of the nation’s personality. Based on the motivation to be able to continue to develop pencak silat among students in order to remain sustainable and be able to improve performance to a higher level, Soegijapranata Catholic University, collaborating with the Perisai Diri Semarang City Management held the Fifth Perisai Diri Cup between students and adults.

Muhammad Rijal Fatihah, one of the Faculty of Public Health students, at Universitas Diponegoro, won first place in the PERISAI DIRI CUP V 2023 Silat Championship in Central Java in the Class B Category of Serang Hindar Adults.

CONGRATULATIONS to Muhammad Rijal Fatihah! May you shine even more!