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Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro Trials for Competency Test Location (TUK) Indonesian Environmental Health Workers Licensed by BNSP

Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro collaborates with the Indonesian Environmental Health Professional Certification Institute (LSP-KLI) as a Competency Test Location (TUK) and is supported by the Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND) as the object of the Hospital Environmental Health Inspection (IKL) and a sampling site for waste management of Health Service Facilities. Present at the event were the Director and Deputy Director of LSP, Assessors, Administration Team, and 25 assessors (competence certification test participants). The trial as TUK will be carried out for 2 days from 29-30 October 2022. The participants who are declared competent will get a Competency Certificate licensed by BNSP (National Professional Certification Agency).

a. Director of LSP-KLI and The Assessor Team

b. Sampling Preparation

c. Water Waste Sampling

d. Laboratory Test

Competency certification schemes tested include: 1) Environmental Health Inspection Cluster for Water Quality Supervision, 2) Environmental Health Inspection Cluster for Ready-to-eat Food Processing Areas, and 3) Environmental Health Inspection Cluster for Health Facilities Management. The test methods carried out include written tests, interviews, field practices, and laboratory tests of environmental health parameters.

The Competency Certification trial activity went well and all participants were declared COMPETENT. In the future, Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro will become TUK – LSP-KLI for Central Java Province and Yogyakarta Province. This activity is a follow-up to the collaboration with the Indonesian Environmental Health Experts Association (HAKLI) (Editor: Dr. Nurjazuli, SKM, M.Kes)

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