The Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Hj. Ida Fauziyah, M.Si. launched the National Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Month in 2023. As is known that January 12 to February 12, 2023 is celebrated as National Month (OSH). The theme of National OSH Month 2023 is “The Realization of OSH Cultured Decent Work to Support Business Continuity in Every Workplace”. The launching of the OSH month was held at PT Amerta Indah Otsuka Sukabumi, West Java on January 12, 2023. One of the programs related to the OSH month is pulmonary TB management in the workplace, in order to support the Presidential Regulation No. 67 of 2021 concerning TB management. In order to make the OSH month a success and aware of the OSH culture, the involvement of various stakeholders is very necessary, one of which is the universities party. At this momentum, the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Diponegoro (FKM UNDIP) signed a cooperation in the mentoring and development of human resources in the field of OSH, carried out by the Dean of FKM UNDIP with the Director of OSH Institutional Development, Director General of Manpower and OSH Supervision Development, Ministry of Manpower, witnessed by the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia.
Cooperation in Human Resource Development with the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia