Tuesday, 7 September 2021, the Faculty of Public Health is coordinating with the Ambarawa Regional Balkesmas. This meeting was the result of the FKM UNDIP alumni consolidation meeting.

Health Promotion is one of the efforts to improve public health status. In this collaborative meeting, both parties agreed to carry out collaborative activities in the health promotion aspect.

The meeting was held between the leader of FKM UNDIP namely Dr. Budiyono, S.KM, M.Kes as the Dean of the FKM UNDIP, the Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences (PKIP), as well as leaders and representatives from the Balkesmas of Ambarawa Region.

It is hoped that this meeting will establish cooperation to jointly build health promotion that is attractive and easily accepted by the people in Central Java Province, especially in the Ambarawa BALKESMAS work area.