Kuching, Sarawak – From September 19 to 23, 2024, the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching hosted the 21st International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria (ICTMM2024), an international event centered on the theme “Global Responses and Interdisciplinary Research Towards Eliminating Tropical Diseases.” The congress attracted over 2,000 participants from around the world, including researchers, medical professionals, public health experts, and stakeholders from various disciplines, all gathering to discuss global challenges related to tropical medicine and infectious diseases.

The congress provided a critical platform for experts to present their latest research findings on a wide range of tropical diseases, including malaria, both infectious and non-communicable diseases, neglected diseases, drug resistance, parasitology, zoonoses, travel medicine, and other public health concerns. ICTMM2024 also showcased the latest innovations in disease management through scientific sessions, poster presentations, and a technology exhibition focused on advancements in healthcare.

Over the course of five days, the congress featured a diverse scientific program, including plenary sessions from leading international speakers, oral and poster presentations by both emerging and established researchers, an exhibition of the latest medical products, as well as various networking events to foster international collaborations.

A notable delegation at the event was from the Faculty of Public Health at Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP), consisting of five students and three faculty members. The students—Siti Rahayu, Arlyn Manggar, Raisha Nuranindita, Elok Cendikia Esti Wardaya, and Syahilla Efriana—along with faculty members Dr. Ir. Martini, M.Kes., Dr. dr. Sri Winarni, M.Kes., and Dion Zein Nuridzin, S.K.M., M.K.M. participated in both poster and oral presentations, presenting their research on tropical health issues affecting Southeast Asia. Their involvement underscores UNDIP’s commitment to internationalizing its programs (as part of its World Class University initiative), and to fostering global collaboration in tropical health research and the elimination of tropical diseases.

ICTMM2024 not only served as a vital venue for sharing the latest scientific knowledge, but also as a key platform for strengthening international collaboration. Participants are expected to return to their respective regions with valuable insights and innovative solutions to apply locally, in efforts to achieve global tropical disease elimination targets.

The success of the congress and the enthusiasm of its participants underscore the importance of global cooperation in addressing the pressing health challenges facing the world today, particularly in tropical regions. ICTMM2024 is anticipated to continue driving innovation and progress in the global fight against tropical diseases.