President Director of BPJS-Kesehatan (Indonesian National Health Insurance) Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc, Ph.D, AAK on Friday, June 9, 2023 at 13.30-15.30 gave a guest lecture for FKM UNDIP’s students, especially students of the Master of Public Health Study Program, although many undergraduate and postgraduate students also joined. The activity took place at Hall Budioro Brotosaputro, Building D, FKM UNDIP and was officially opened by the Dean of FKM UNDIP (Dr. Budiyono, SKM, MKes). The presence of the Director of BPJS Kesehatan at FKM UNDIP was also accompanied by the Deputy Director of Central Java-DIY dr. Dwi Martiningsih, MKes, AAK. With the topic “Recent JKN Development and Comparison with Several Countries”, Prof. Ghufron conveyed that the coverage of JKN participation in Indonesia is close to 92%. This is a good condition since not all countries that have national health financing insurance programs can reach that high coverage, even in developed countries, such as America, Britain, Malaysia, and so on. As a form of social insurance, the principle of JKN health insurance is gotong royong (the concept of working together-helping each other), which is also a noble value in the social life of the Indonesian nation. The guest lecture moderated by senior lecturer Dr. Dra. Chriswardani Suryawati, MKes was interesting because of the straightforward delivery. Furthermore, it was also conveyed that BPJS-Kesehatan always strives to improve the quality of performance in order to fulfill the mandate of fulfilling health services for all elements of society that are quality and fair, including how to prepare regulations. After the presentation of the material and the question-and-answer discussion ended, it was followed by the awarding of the speaker by the Dean of FKM UNDIP.