Semarang – Friday, 12 August 2022. Lecturer of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences carries out community service activities in order to increase knowledge, awareness, and self-care for the health of elementary school students. This activity was carried out in the form of GEBYAR ASSEEEK or Fun Healthy August Festival at School which included gymnastics, health education contests, and the provision of healthy food to students of SDN Muktiharjo Kidul 03. All PKIP FKM UNDIP lecturers were very enthusiastic in carrying out this activity and it was also enlivened by students of PKIP FKM UNDIP.

This event was attended by 205 students and all teachers from SDN Muktiharjo Kidul 03. The activity began with group exercise, followed by remarks from the head of the activity drg. Zahroh shaluhiyah, MPH, PhD, remarks from the school principal, group photo, health education competition between classes, awarding prizes to the winners, and closed with the signing of a cooperation agreement or MoU between the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro and SDN Muktiharjo Kidul 03.

The head of the activity hopes that this collaboration can continue and be sustainable, and is expected to be able to instil health promotion values in elementary school students.

Contributor : Novia Handayani, SKM, MA, M.Kes