One of the Ministry of Health’s strategies in 2022 to catch up the coverage of immunization services for infants, toddlers and children is to add complete basic immunizations to 14 basic immunizations. These additional immunizations include PCV immunization for anti-pneumonia, rotavirus immunization, and HPV immunization to prevent cervical cancer. In achieving the success of the immunization implementation, support and the role of various parties are needed, one of which is the health cadre. Health cadres are one of the spearheads of a successful health program at the Puskesmas, because they are selected and trained by the Puskesmas to help address individual and community health problems.
The socialization of PCV, rotavirus and HPV immunization was carried out in the Central Semarang District Hall with 36 participants who were representatives of health cadres from 10 sub-districts, namely Central Semarang, Sekayu, Purwodinatan, Pendrikan Lor, Pendrikan Kidul, Kranggan, Bangunharjo, Pandansari Villages. Kauman, and Kembangsari. The presentation was given by the dedication team for the AKK FKM UNDIP, namely Dr. Dra Chriswardani Suryawati, M.Kes who provided material on HPV immunization, Putri Asmita Wigati, SKM, M.Kes provided material on PCV immunization, and Wulan Kusumastuti, SH, MH provided rotavirus immunization material. The event continued with discussions and questions and answers and material presented by the student team about how to use Tik Tok social media to help educate the public.
During the implementation of the activity, a pre-test, post-test and mini quiz were given. The pre-test and post-test were used to measure the increase in participants’ knowledge of the material provided, while the mini quiz was given to reinforce the material and enliven the atmosphere because prizes were given to participants who answered correctly. Based on the results of the pre post test analysis, it was found that there was an increase in the mean participants’ knowledge of PCV, rotavirus and HPV immunization. The response of the cadres was also very good and enthusiastic in participating in the event until the end, as seen from the message from the cadres who stated that the event was very memorable and useful for increasing their knowledge and it is hoped that there will be similar events at other times.
Writer : Putri Asmita Wigati